Turkish Swingers Face Up To 177 Years İn Jail

A total of 29 people suspected of being part of a prostitution ring notorious for organizing swinger parties in Turkey's southern province of Adana are facing up...

A total of 29 people suspected of being part of a prostitution ring notorious for organizing swinger parties in Turkey's southern province of Adana are facing up to 177 years in prison on charges including "prostitution," "organizing a crime syndicate" and "human trafficking."

Five months ago, the Adana Vice Police Department began to monitor a couple studying at Çukurova University after receiving a tip the duo was organizing swinger parties for married couples.

Following technical surveillance, security forces determined the couple had rented a luxury villa in Adana's Sarıçam district and hosted customers from the neighboring provinces of Mersin, Kayseri, Osmaniye and Şanlıurfa - the ring did not accept customers from Adana for security reasons.

Security forces raided the villa and 25 addresses in five provinces, took 53 people under custody and sent 29 suspects to court. Of the 29 suspects, 15 were detained while 14 were released by the court pending trial.

The prosecutor's office has demanded a total 933 years in prison for the suspects, ranging from three to 177 years of imprisonment each for "creating a criminal organization with the purpose of engaging in criminal activity," "prostitution," "human trafficking" and "obscenity."

It has been alleged the ringleader couple began organizing swinger parties in order to experience their sexual fantasies by connecting with other couples through social media. However, over time, they started to arrange women for single men and married couples in return for money.

Suspects argued they were unaware money was exchanging hands and thought they were attending legal swinger parties.

Meanwhile, a married woman admitted to accepting payments to join the parties, saying her father needed the money.

There currently is a court-ordered confidentiality on the case, upon the request of the defendants.


Kaynak: Doğan Haber Ajansı

Sonraki Haber